Your Brand name here

Set Up This Blog

This post assumes you have already installed Gridsome, cloned the repository, and cloned it to your local machine. If you haven't, refer to

From the repository on your local computer, run yarn to install all necessary npm files.

From the repository you can run gridsome develop to spin up a local copy of the site for testing changes.

module.exports = {
  // Set this to whatever you want! πŸ‘‡
  // Note: This will default to be the header link back to your home page
  siteName: "Your Brand name here",
  // Set this your domain/url! πŸ‘‡
  // Note: This is used by the sitemap plugin to make your site searchable on Google!
  siteUrl: "",

module.exports = function(api) {
  api.loadSource(async (store) => {
    // Replace with your website url!
    store.addMetadata("baseURL", "");

This is important because it will dictate what the canonical url is for your blog posts!

// Set this to your Twitter Profile! πŸ‘‡
<a href="" class="inline-block">
  // ...
// Set this to your Youtube Channel! πŸ‘‡
  // ...
// Set this to your Instagram Account! πŸ‘‡
<a href="" class="inline-block">
  // ...
// Set this to your LinkedIn Profile! πŸ‘‡
<a href="" class="inline-block">
  // ...

Note that the social link icons provided are custom made for this project and that updating the component will update both the home page links and the links at the bottom of blog posts!

    // Replace this with a welcome message to visitors! πŸ‘‡
    <h1 class="text-4xl bold underline pb-4">Hello, world!</h1>

    // Replace this with a short Bio about you! πŸ‘‡
    <p class="text-2xl">
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Pariatur
      excepturi labore tempore expedita, et iste tenetur suscipit explicabo!
      Dolores, aperiam non officia eos quod asperiores
// ...
export default {
  name: "Homepage",
  metaInfo() {
    return {
      meta: [
          name: "description",
          // Describe what the page is about! This shows in Google Search ResultsπŸ‘‡
          content: "My blog posts and musings on the world.",

  <div class="layout">
    // Replace bg-blue-100 with any of the other colors Tailwind includes πŸ‘‡
    <header class="p-8 bg-blue-100 mb-8 shadow-md">

You can find a list of tailwind background colors here:

// Skip to lines 40:
          name: "twitter:creator",
          // Replace this with your Twitter handle πŸ‘‡
          content: "@terabytetiger",
          name: "twitter:site",
          // Replace this with your Twitter handle or your Brand's twitter handle πŸ‘‡
          content: "@terabytetiger",

If you want to make your Twitter shares even more enticing to click on you can add a meta item for og:image to populate in the Twitter card!

// Replace this with an image to use as the favicon for your site!

🚨 If you use a file name other than favicon.png you need to update gridsome.config.js with the icon property:

Clear out the and files from the /blog/ root level folder.

To add new blog posts, create files in the /blog/ root level folder.

The first thing in each of your blog post markdown file should be the following information which is required for the site to build:

title: Set Up This Blog
published: true
description: This is a guide for everything to set up in the repository to make this place your own!
date_published: "2021-06-24"
og_image: ./path/to/og/image.png

The date_published is in YYYY-MM-DD format so that the blog list on the home page can be sorted with the newest items at the top of the page.

Note that the title of the post is automatically added as the h1 tag on the post page and all markdown content should start at the ##heading 2 level to prevent accessibility issues.

og_image is the image that will show when the link is shared in places like Facebook or Twitter

Once you've updated the above information and are ready to publish your blog to the world, you can follow my guide on publishing to a custom domain using Hover and Netlify

If you want to expand your site to include a customized 404 page you can follow my Gridsome 404 page guide